mercredi 7 septembre 2016

New Apple Taste - The Brand

It has to be said, bands from Canada do have a nice sense of rhythm. After X-Ray Zebras and The Stormalongs, New Apple Taste is the third canadian group I know that has graciously decided to get involved in the free music business.

Hailing from Montréal, these five musicians and two MCs (or emcees, as they like to say it) like to get down and play jazzy funky groovy rock instrumentals with screaming guitar solos, sax and his brass friends (and his problems with the law), drums getting crazy, in an overall atmosphere of pure musical affinity, which sometimes feels like a jam session recorded in a smokey back room in a bar somewhere, with sometimes rapped lyrics getting along.
Which by the way made me think a bit about the X-Ray Zebras, but just a bit.

Feels like a night at the stray cats' crib, with electricity and hip-hop added.

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